sobota, 11 kwietnia 2015

X-Files Mistakes: Piper Maru (S3-E15)

[0:00] The savage team operates in an extremely, almost impossibly calm North Pacific.

[0:45] When divers jump into the water, for a short moment the shoreline is visible in the left side of the screen.

[28:00] Scully says that “It all makes sense”, but in fact nothing makes sense. The first French nuclear explosion took place on February 13, 1960. It is quite incomprehensible why would Frenchmen take their toll to recover an old American A-bomb if they already have their own.

[40:23] In one of the shots Mulder does not grab Krycek's jacket but only presses his throat with his forearm.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

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