środa, 15 kwietnia 2015

X-Files Mistakes: Avatar (S3-E21)

[17:50] Scully is twiddling with the cross she is wearing on her necklace, but in the next front shot her hand is lowered. However, in between the shots she does not move her hand.

[19:02] During a post-mortem examination in the morgue, the female victim glimpses, when Mulder turns the light off.

[19:56] Skinner is visited by his wife Sharon and she claims that she has kept ringing and he was not answering his phone. He explains that he unplugged the phone which is quite weird taking into consideration the fact that an unplugged phone never rings.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

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