[0:52] The guy who was standing at the back of the train
car was somehow able to move to the front of it. This is impossible because the
train car was sealed and no unauthorized person could enter it.
[1:10] The train on the next track is moving, while in
the next shot the train is stopped.
[6:25] It seems that the first round fired by the
death squad hits precisely in the camera, because the satellite transmission is
interrupted exactly at the moment the squad enters the train car.
[08:16] Jumping by the fence Mulder jumps down in two
configurations: one when he is filmed with a closeup, and the other while he is
filmed from the distance just a moment after.
[19:08] The Talapus is supposed to be a salvage ship,
however she bears even slightest resemblance to a salvage ship.
[21:22] The guy who is jumping to the water is definitely not
Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe “The truth is out there.”
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