niedziela, 1 marca 2015

X-Files Mistakes: Soft Light (S2-E23)

[0:05] When taking a closer look at the doors of the hotel and the people entering it, it can be easily noticed that this scene is played backwards.

[01:55] When the guy looks through the peephole, Dr Banton casts no shadow, while in other scenes he does.

[02:04] It is virtually impossible that the shadow would “come” so deeply into the room.

[11:36] Dr Banton's shadow devours the second policeman, however Banton cannot cast a shadow in that direction (see also shadow direction at 11:30).

[19:23] Scully says that Detective Ryan is having the prints on the bulbs checked against Banton’s.
However, at 12:46 Detective Ryan says that she ran the fingerprints from the bulb through a national databases and she has found no match. It leads to the conclusion that in the meantime the prints of Banton must have been sent somehow into a database, which is impossible because in this time Banton had been missing.

GENERAL ISSUE: At 22:39 Dr Banton says that his shadow is like a black hole, it splits molecules etc.It seems that other objects are not destroyed by the shadow, only the human body. It is quite unlikely that the shadow could somehow differentiate human flesh from other kinds of matter.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

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