[1:43] It is highly unlikely that the researcher would wear no face protection in such a situation.
[2:50] The dead researcher carried out his studies in Costa Rica, but this is a country without armed forces, so he could not be found by the troops.
[21:45] When Scully starts the procedure of taking out the bug from the body, she is wearing no mask, but when she finishes it she is wearing the mask.
[2:50] The dead researcher carried out his studies in Costa Rica, but this is a country without armed forces, so he could not be found by the troops.
[21:45] When Scully starts the procedure of taking out the bug from the body, she is wearing no mask, but when she finishes it she is wearing the mask.
Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe “The truth is out there.”
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