środa, 25 marca 2015

X-Files Mistakes: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose (S3-E4)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: D.P.O. (S3-E3)

[0:43] The guy who plays the gaming machine turns at Daren and in the next shot he turns at him again.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Paper Clip (S3-E2)

[10:20] The heavy rain falls and bangs on the greenhouse roof, although Mulder and Scully are completely dry, even though they carry no umbrella with them.

[15:57] Mulder tells Scully that he is trying 27828 and it is not working. It is not surprising that it is not working, because the Napier constant is not 2,7828...! It is 2,71828.... Another thing is that somehow they know how many digits from this constant should be entered on the keyboards.

[26:34] Skinner says that he could not print the file. However, Scully was somehow able to print some of it to the Indian woman and also some hard copy must have been given to Albert Holsteen for his translation. This issue also contradicts information about the copy-protection of the file from the  “Anasazi” episode.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: The Blessing Way (S3-E1)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

Jak mocno zaciskać mankiet ciśnieniomierza?

„Słuchaj, a w zasadzie to z jaką siłą należy zacisnąć mankiet ciśnieniomierza, żeby wskazywał poprawne wartości ciśnienia?” — usłyszałem ostatnio pytanie. No właśnie, jak to w zasadzie jest z tym pomiarem ciśnienia? Skąd wiadomo, jak mocno zacisnąć mankiet? Pytanie dotyczyło oczywiście ciśnieniomierza zegarowego do pomiaru ręcznego w zastosowaniach domowych. 

W pierwszym odruchu przejrzałem sieć i okazało się, że w zasadzie nikt tego tematu nie porusza, choć wiele osób może ten temat interesować. A więc, wynika stąd, że albo jest to najbardziej oczywista rzecz na świecie, albo nikt, z jakichś zagadkowych przyczyn, do tej pory nie zajął się tym problemem.

Istnieją dwie metody uzyskania odpowiedzi na tytułowe pytanie. Pierwsza, dość pouczająca, to wykonać doświadczenie samemu. Nie wymaga ona posiadania dostępu do ultranowoczesnego laboratorium. Poświęćmy zatem kilkanaście minut naszego cennego czasu i wykonajmy pomiar swojego ciśnienia przy różnej sile zaciśnięcia mankietu. Okaże się wtenczas, że bez względu na siłę zaciśnięcia ciśnieniomierz zasadniczo powinien wskazywać takie same wartości mierzonego ciśnienia.

Druga metoda to wykorzystanie znajomości fizyki i biologii na poziomie szkoły podstawowej. Zasada działania takiego ciśnieniomierza polega z grubsza na tym, że uciskając rękę tamujemy przepływ krwi w tętnicy ramiennej. Przy pewnej wartości ciśnienia krew zaczyna przepływać, co słyszymy jako dudnienia pulsu (tzw. tony Korotkowa). Zmniejszając ucisk, dochodzimy do momentu, w którym dudnienia przestają być słyszalne. Zakres słyszalnych dudnień to właśnie nasze ciśnienie. A ciśnienie to nic innego, jak siła działająca na pewną powierzchnię. W tym wypadku tą powierzchnią jest część naszej ręki znajdująca się w mankiecie. Zatem niezależnie* od tego, z jaką siłą na początku zaciśniemy mankiet, i tak będziemy musieli dopompować go do przynajmniej takiej wartości ciśnienia, która spowoduje blokadę przepływu krwi. 

Jak zatem widać, nie ma znaczenia dla pomiaru, z jaką siłą zaciskamy mankiet na ręce — jest to wyłącznie kwesta naszego widzimisię i naszej wygody.

* Oczywiście wykluczam tu ekstremalny przypadek, że na początku tak mocno zaciśniemy mankiet, że od razu zablokujemy przepływ krwi w tętnicy.

piątek, 20 marca 2015

Antresolka Profesorka Nerwosolka — ciekawy błąd

Odbywając sentymentalną podróż do lat dzieciństwa i czytając naprawdę znakomity komiks Tadeusza Barańskiego „Antresolka Profesorka Nerwosolka” natknąłem się na pewien ciekawy błąd. Otóż na stronie 40 Profesorek Nerwosolek i Entomologia spotykają Neptuna podróżującego na swoim ogromnym żaglowcu, na którym widnieje napis „M/S NEPTUN”. Jest to jednak ewidentna sprzeczność, ponieważ skrót „M/S” przed imieniem statku oznacza „motor ship”, czyli statek motorowy.

niedziela, 1 marca 2015

X-Files Mistakes: Anasazi (S2-E25)

GENERAL ISSUE: It is completely incomprehensible how and why the Thinker has made a digital copy that cannot be duplicated!

[7:12] The neighbors and the police appear at the crime scene a millisecond after the shot has been fired.

[9:27] Mulder asks Scully about “the fourth commandment about obeying the Sabbath, the part when God made heaven and Earth…” However, Scully as a Catholic should know that this is the third commandment for Catholics. This is also an indirect indication that Mulder was raised in Jewish religion.
[19:05] When Scully stands up the reflection of a microphone holder can be seen in the picture on the wall.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Our Town (S2-E24)

[1:00] It is quite unlikely that there are any known pills that could have such an instantaneous effect just after digesting it.

[38:15] Unlike Mr Chaco, who has the brace clamped around his neck, Scully is clamped around the top of her head, which is quite irrational way of executing a person, because the clamp does not serve as a stabilizer. In fact, in this arrangement, Scully is not fixed to the stand at all.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Soft Light (S2-E23)

[0:05] When taking a closer look at the doors of the hotel and the people entering it, it can be easily noticed that this scene is played backwards.

[01:55] When the guy looks through the peephole, Dr Banton casts no shadow, while in other scenes he does.

[02:04] It is virtually impossible that the shadow would “come” so deeply into the room.

[11:36] Dr Banton's shadow devours the second policeman, however Banton cannot cast a shadow in that direction (see also shadow direction at 11:30).

[19:23] Scully says that Detective Ryan is having the prints on the bulbs checked against Banton’s.
However, at 12:46 Detective Ryan says that she ran the fingerprints from the bulb through a national databases and she has found no match. It leads to the conclusion that in the meantime the prints of Banton must have been sent somehow into a database, which is impossible because in this time Banton had been missing.

GENERAL ISSUE: At 22:39 Dr Banton says that his shadow is like a black hole, it splits molecules etc.It seems that other objects are not destroyed by the shadow, only the human body. It is quite unlikely that the shadow could somehow differentiate human flesh from other kinds of matter.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: F. Emasculata (S2-E22)

[1:43] It is highly unlikely that the researcher would wear no face protection in such a situation.

[2:50] The dead researcher carried out his studies in Costa Rica, but this is a country without armed forces, so he could not be found by the troops.

[21:45] When Scully starts the procedure of taking out the bug from the body, she is wearing no mask, but when she finishes it she is wearing the mask.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: The Calusari (S2-E21)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Humbug (S2-E20)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Død Kalm (S2-E19)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Fearful Symmetry (S2-E18)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: End Game (S2-E17)

[32:42] When Mulder climbs up the tower of the submarine, there is his shadow projected on a movie studio wall.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.