niedziela, 21 grudnia 2014

X-Files Mistakes: Ascension (S2-E6)

[1:26] How Duane was able to hit Scully through the window and blinds if she stands at some distance from the window?

[13:00] When Mulder and Krycek leave the FBI garage, their car is dark blue and Krycek is driving, but when they are on their way to the mountain, the color of the car, and the car as well, is different and Mulder is driving.

[36:04] It’s quite strange that only after Mulder looks at the ashtray he realizes that the Smoking Man has been in the car. Didn't he smell the scent of cigarettes immediately after entering the car?

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Duane Barry (S2-E5)

[2:15] Duane Berry is screaming at the top of his voice, the light from the spaceship is extremely powerful, the dog is barking, and yet there is no reaction of his neighbors.

[39:02] An agent and Scully analyze the fragment taken out from Duane Berry’s body. The agent draws Scully’s attention to “small markings”, which are half a monitor size, and Scully naively asks where they are.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Sleepless (S2-E4)

No apparent mistakes. Congratulations!

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

środa, 17 grudnia 2014

Dlaczego „pozyton”, a nie „pozytron”?

Czytając artykuły, książki naukowe i popularno-naukowe oraz inne pozycje mające choć trochę wspólnego ze słowem „naukowe”, bardzo ciężko jest stwierdzić, dlaczego akurat „positron” postanowiono przetłumaczyć (bo chyba nikt się nie łudzi, że nasi mądrale od cząstek elementarnych sami tę nazwę ukuli) jako „pozyton”, a nie „pozytron”. Skąd akurat w tym przypadku odstępstwo od reguły? Przecież zupełnie nie trzyma się to reguły — wszystkie cząstki, których angielski odpowiednik posiada końcówkę „-tron”, przejmują ją bez zmian.

Garść przykładów:

1) Najbardziej znana cząstka elementarna — elektron („electron”)
2) Dawniejsza nazwa elektronu — negatron („negatron”)
3) Składnik jądra atomowego — neutron („neutron”)
4) Dawniejsza nazwa mezonu — mezotron („mesotron”)

Jak widać, wszędzie ten sam schemat. I tylko ten nieszczęsny — ni przypiął, ni przyłatał — pozyton. W starszych publikacjach można znaleźć „pozytron”, ale od pewnego czasu widać wyraźną tendencję do całkowitego zastępowania go pozytonem. Może najwyższy czas, żeby powrócić do, moim zdaniem, prawidłowego określenia tej cząstki? Wszystkim przecież będzie łatwiej.

środa, 10 grudnia 2014

X-Files Mistakes: Blood (S2-E3)

[20:25] There’s a message “Behind you” displayed on the screen, however the gun department is situated on the right hand side of Ed.

[25:00] When Mulder gets out of the car it’s dark outside, but when the chopper comes it is still daylight.

[31:47] What the cholesterol screening has to do with Mulder and Scully’s investigation? How it is connected to the case? How on Earth did they realize that Ed is afraid of blood? Just from the fact that he did not let the nurse in?

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: The Host (S2-E2)

[24:00] Surprisingly, it took Scully quite a long time to realize that the tattoo on the victim’s forearm is in Cyrillic lettering.

[28:10] The worm was not at all secured during transport. It was just pushed into the US Marshal ambulance without even attaching the trolley to some element of the van's interior. It must have been quite fun, especially during cornering.

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.

X-Files Mistakes: Little Green Men (S2-E1)

[17:45] At his arrival at the Arecibo observatory, Mulder crushes the padlock on the door leading to the control building and then he finds the native man, Jorge, in the toilet, who hid himself in the building. The question is how Jorge managed to enter the building and at the same time lock himself there by means of the padlock?

Here you can find other mistakes, trivia, etc. But always remember to verify all mistakes and make your own decision whether they are real goofs or maybe The truth is out there.